Starwood Residence

Starwood OG (1)-1920
Starwood OG (2)-1920
Starwood OG (3)-1920
Starwood OG (4)-1920
Starwood OG (5)-1920
Starwood OG (6)-1920
Starwood OG (7)-1920
Starwood OG (8)-1920
Starwood OG (1)-1920 Starwood OG (2)-1920 Starwood OG (3)-1920 Starwood OG (4)-1920 Starwood OG (5)-1920 Starwood OG (6)-1920 Starwood OG (7)-1920 Starwood OG (8)-1920

Starwood – Under Construction

Project Details

Independence Construction Group is currently working with Armand LeGardeur and the owner for a very personal remodel and restoration.  The home was originally designed by Armand LeGardeur in the 90’s, while he was a design principal at Robert Stern Architects, and built by local builder Joe Zanin (our friend and mentor).  The new owner, knowing that the home has “great bones”, wanted to keep the remodel and restoration true to the original design work.  With this in mind, he found and brought Armand back to lead the design work, to give the home another 30+ years of architectural significance, and provide many years of joy and comfort for his family. 


Armand LeGardeur Architect